• Koeberg Nuclear Power Station

    • Structural evaluation to ensure that the capacity of the Turbine Hall floor is sufficient to sustain the loads generated during the maintenance of Unit 2 generator as part of Outage 216. Such loads include the exhaust hoods (3 x 62 ton), the turbine rotor plus turning stand (182 ton) and plant laid out in the area surrounding the generator.
    • Management of Repairs to the CTE plant buildings.
    • The design of remedial measures to the emergency diesel generator exhaust stacks.
    • The design of the flood mitigation measures in the RRI pump and heat exchanger rooms.
    • Seismic walk downs and assessment of Electrical Building, Fire Station Building and ACP2 emergency control centre.
    • Assessment of the impact on the Turbine Hall structures considering the new heavier turbines.
    • Structural evaluation of the emergency diesel generator stacks. The finite element models are analysed for the Safe Shutdown Earthquake and dynamic responses so obtained are evaluated in terms of the selected codes of practice.
    • Review of the design of the remedial measures to the masts that support the emergency sirens.
    • Re-torquing of the a seismic test bearing samples.
    • Concurrence reviews of various designs of modifications to the plant and buildings.
    • Provision of civil and structural engineering support services required for Outage 116.
      This work involved:
      • Analysis and design of strengthening measures aimed at ensuring the structural integrity of the mussel trap.
      • Design of the shielding barriers.
      • Assessment of the floor capacities at three levels in Unit 1 reactor and the loading bay of the Turbine Hall for the reactor vessel head replacement project.
      • Design of seismic restraints for the storage of the old reactor vessel head.
      • Design of new jacking plinths as part of the modifications to transformer bays 001.
      • Design of the seismically qualified masonry works within the radiation protection offices.
    • Analysis and design of a stiffening wall to the spent fuel pool for the re-racking project.
    • Static and Dynamic Analysis of the CRF Intrusion Barrier, to dynamic wind loadings including CFD analyses.
  • Medupi Power Station

      medupi power station

    Provision of advice for the seismic analysis and design of the fossil fired power station comprising 6 No. 800 MW units. Development of a seismic procedure for the analysis of transmission line structures.

  • Saudi Aramco Refinery

      Saudi Aramco

    Seismic Walkdown of the Saudi Aramco refinery in the Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Cobiax


    Design of the reinforcement for numerous reinforced concrete slabs for commercial buildings to suit the Cobiax system.

  • Encon Engineering Project


    Shear strengthening of mezzanine floor T-beams using externally bonded FRP sheets.

  • Matimba Power Station

      matimba power station

    Independent assessment of repairs to the stacker-reclaimer structure.

  • Sasol Midlands Plant

      sasol plant

    Static and dynamic analysis and design of the foundation of the compressor used to convey hydrogen from the Sasol Midlands site to the Sasol One site.

  • Black Mountain Mine

      BLack mountain mine

    Investigation of the excessive vibration amplitudes experienced by the supporting structure to the concentrator plant. The levels of vibration were measured and evaluated against relevant codes of practice. The dynamic behaviour of the structure was analysed and a bracing scheme designed to reduce the vibration amplitudes below acceptable limits.

  • White Nile Khartoum-Omdurman Bridge (Sudan)

      Omdurman bridge

    Rehabilitation of the White Nile Khartoum-Omdurman Bridge that was designed and constructed of structural steel in the 1920’s. The bridge consists of seven fixed spans and a swing span that permits the passage of river traffic when swung into the open position. Each of the fixed spans has a length of 73.152 m while the length of the swing span is 91.440 m. The total length of the bridge is in the order of 613 m. The load carrying capacity of the bridge was assessed in terms of the bridge design code of practice BS 5400, and remedial work was designed to reinstate the bridge to the condition required by the client. This work was carried out in collaboration with Dekker & Gelderblom Consulting Engineers.

  • Golder Associates Africa(Pty)Ltd

      golder mining

    Finite Element analysis and structural assessment of the Macro-dump Jacked pipe. Investigation on two reservoirs under construction for Optimum Collieries to assess the impact of construction deviations on possible buckling of the domed roof. Provide recommendations on the impact of blasting on the reservoirs and pump-house.

  • EFS Megamax


    Finite Element stress analysis of a dragline bucket.

  • Gas Turbine Generators, Atlantis

      gas turbine

    Provision of advice for the seismic analysis and design of the fossil fired power station comprising 6 No. 800 MW units. Development of a seismic procedure for the analysis of transmission line structures.

  • Expert Technical Investigations


    Conducted expert technical investigations related to the collapse of various bridge and building structures. An investigation was also conducted which was aimed at establishing the reasons for the excessive cracking observed in a post-tensioned flat slab.

  • Drakensberg Pumped Storage Scheme

      drakensberg pumped storage scheme

    Dewatering of the headrace, pressure shaft, pressure tunnel and penstock of the Drakensberg Pumped Storage Scheme. This involved a controlled dewatering to prevent buckling of the penstock under excessive ground water pressure. Inspections of the concrete lined tunnels were conducted followed by localised repairs to areas subject to soft water attack.

  • Rand Water, Zuikerbosch Pumping Station

      rand water pump station

    Vibration analysis of the mezzanine floor in Central Sludge No. 2 pumphouse at Zuikerbosch pumping station of Rand Water. The analyses were compared to vibration measurements taken prior to this investigation. A number rehabilitation measures were recommended to reduce the magnitude of the vibrations.